Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Lyric Booklet: Draft 1

Although the front and back page is not yet complete. This is what I have created so far for the pages inside the lyric booklet.


  1. This is fine, just get single cropped images onto each lyric panel now - and decide what effect/s to apply to each - plus front/rear and this should be signed off for a comfortable 10/10 and a great calling card for you too

  2. Timewise, if its going to be time-consuming to add cropped images ... don't. Happy enough with this and the front/rear panels. Altogether, its pretty spectacular stuff - move on to do the same for the ads now!!!

  3. had to use your tags to find this; needs adding to links list and final version must be in final dpak post
    make sure any changes are clearly denoted in such posts
